1 results found for "screw drill"
  • Screw drill tool test bench
    Screw drill tool test bench
    Screw drill tool test bench
    Testing purpose:The screw (turbine) drill tool test bench is a large-scale test device for detecting the performance indicators of screw (turbine) drill tools. This device tests various performance parameters of the screw drill, including: drill output torque, output speed, output power, input power, cyclic flow, inlet liquid pressure, outlet liquid pressure, inlet medium temperature, total efficiency, etc. This test bench can meet all performance tests of various screw (turbine) drill tools, and provide accurate parameter indicators for evaluating the manufacturing, maintenance, and field application of screw (turbine) drill tools.
Стремление к исследованиям и разработкам, производству и продаже инструментов для лабораторных испытаний и систем тестирования производственных линий.
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